What Are the Main Risk Factors Faced by Banks?

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The main risks faced by international banks In today 's environment of intense competitive pressures , volatile economic conditions , rising bankruptcies , and increasing levels of consumer and commercial debt , bank 's ability to effectively monitor and manage its risks can mean the difference between success and survival Good risk management and control lie at the heart of any business particularly a financial services firm - they are integral parts of providing consistent , high-quality returns to shareholders . If banks fail to adequately manage and control the risks they may suffer significant financial losses . Potentially more important is the resultant damage to bank 's reputation , which could undermine bank 's share price by reducing client base and impairing ability to retain talented employees (Crouhy , 4-10 Today 's financial institutions need a comprehensive solution to assess identify , measure , monitor , control , and report on losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes , people or systems Nowadays there are four main types of risks faced by the banks these are credit risks , liquidity risks , market risks and operational risks Credit risk is risk due to uncertainty in counterparty 's ability to meet its obligations . Because there are many types of counterparties - from individuals to sovereign governments to and many different types of obligations , from auto loans to derivatives transactions to credit risk takes many forms . Institutions manage it in different ways The problem of measuring and managing the credit risk of borrowers and business counterparties has been around since the dawn of commerce . In recent years , there have been many advances in the theory and practice of measuring credit risk . Furthermore , the creation of derivative securities , such as credit default swaps , has led to

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