What Are The Important Functions Of Money?

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What are the important functions of Money? Various functions of money can be classified into three broad groups: (a) Primary functions, which include the medium of exchange and the measure of value; (b) Secondary junctions which include standard of deferred payments, store of value and transfer of value; and (c) Contingent functions which include distribution of national income, maximization of satisfaction, basis of credit system, etc. These functions have been explained below: 1. Medium of Exchange: The most important function of money is to serve as a medium of exchange or as a means of payment. To be a successful medium of exchange, money must be commonly accepted by people in exchange for goods and services. While functioning as a medium of exchange, money benefits the society in a number of ways: (a) It overcomes the inconvenience of baiter system (i.e., the need for double coincidence of wants) by splitting the act of barter into two acts of exchange, i.e., sales and purchases through money. (b) It promotes transactional efficiency in exchange by facilitating the multiple exchanges of goods and services with minimum effort and time, (c) It promotes allocation efficiency by facilitating specialization in production and trade, (d) It allows freedom of choice in the sense that a person can use his money to buy the things he wants most, from the people who offer the best bargain and at a time he considers the most advantageous. 2. Measure of Value: Money serves as a common measure of value in terms of which the value of all goods and services is measured and expressed. By acting as a common denominator or numeraire, money has provided a language of economic communication. It has made transactions easy and simplified the problem of measuring and comparing the prices of goods and services in the market. Prices are but values expressed in terms of money.

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