What Are Artificial Atmospheres

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An artificial atmosphere is any system of gases designed in a certain way that gives it an advantage over normal atmosphere. When people think of an artificial atmosphere, many would relate it to some super high-tech piece of equipment. Yes, that is true, but artificial atmospheres can be found almost anywhere. Scientists, doctors, engineers, and other professionals use artificial atmospheres because they provide multiple benefits to normal atmosphere. These contained mixtures of gases are found in all sorts of places, from publicly uncommon industrial ‘clean rooms’, to SCUBA diving suits, to one of the most common household items, fluorescent lamps. According to the University of Kansas, “A clean room is a work area in which the air quality, temperature, and humidity are highly regulated in order to protect sensitive equipment from contamination” (University of Kansas). These rooms are used to protect extremely delicate technology while they are being used. Although they don’t contain any special gases, the air qualities in clean rooms are better than normal air. They are rated by the number of particles larger than 0.5 microns in any cubic foot of air. Depending on the activity occurring in the room, there will be a certain amount of large particles in there so that the activity won’t be accidentally harmed. Clean rooms aren’t very common in the public, they would only be in industries (for R&D or production) or in educational institutions (for research purposes). SCUBA diving is a very popular recreational activity among many people. SCUBA stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. That’s because it is a special device that allows people to breathe underwater for hours through a tank filled with compressed air to breathe. However, the tanks normally don’t contain regular air. They can contain different mixes of gases which are all called nitrox.

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