Wedding-Ring Essay

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The poem “Wedding-Ring” describes the narrator’s wedding ring. However, it is not just about the material. The ring embodies the narrator’s married life. Also, thought about the ring indicates the narrator’s thinking about her married life. In this way, she expresses her emotions through an object, the wedding ring. She speaks about the state of it in calm tones and thought about it in blue but cold tones. In the beginning of this poem, the narrator explains about the situation of her wedding ring which is “in a basket.” She feels that it is “at the bottom of a well”, a deep and dark place. It implies that her current married life is hopeless and gloomy. This sentence compresses the theme of whole poem. “Nothing will come to fish it back up” means that nothing can recover her indifferent married life. Putting the ring on her finger again is the revival of a happy marriage. However, it seems not possible. Next, she enumerates stuffs that are with her ring. There are keys, nails, telephone numbers and paper clips in the basket with her wedding ring and they are not just simple materials. They are all uncalled-for, keys of deserted house, nails and paperclips unnecessary now, numbers with no identity. And now, the wedding ring which has to be precious is with them. It is obviously implies that married life is not at the center of her life and crucial. In the following part of the poem, she narrates her thinking about the ring, the married life. She cannot present it to somebody because a wedding ring is the symbol of promise and vow. If she gives it to someone, she will have scruples about it. Also, she cannot sell it since the married life was blissful at one time. She desires to keep at least the memory of the past that was joyful. Nevertheless, “That time is gone” directly signifies that her current married life is not joyful any more. The blank spaces in line 11,
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