Weather Climat Chaos

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Speculate on the distribution of climate and weather should the earth’s axis lie in the plane of the ecliptic, and be “fixed” (always to a point) on a given star outside the solar system. The earth will continue on its axis. Complete weather climate chaos. The arctic and Antarctic would go through 6 months of darkness and 6 months of light. While in the light it would become very hot – hundreds of degrees. When in the dark it would be freezing. North and South America, Asia, Australia would move up and down from the top to the bottom of the planet as the earth rotated. When at the top would be very cold like old arctic when in the middle would be hot like old equator. Equator now runs up and down not side to side. For example, hold a pencil horizontal. That’s the axis. The point always points the same direction. Now rotate the horizontal pencil around the imaginary sun the middle. Spin the pencil in your fingers that the rotation of the earth which is now up and down instead of side to side. Imagine where the continents would be if the planet was on its side instead of upright. Think about where the sun hits as the earth moves around the sun and rotates on its axis in this new orientation. I don't think any part of planet would be habitable. Maybe the old equator but, it would be perpetual twilight since it runs up and down not across. Anywhere new east or new west of old equator would be 6 months perpetual day or perpetual night. The closer you get to the old arctic the hotter it would be in six month day and colder in six month night. Six months of constant sun on old artic or Antarctic would make them broil in six month day (150 -200 degrees F). Six months of darkness would make them freezing (- 100 to - 150 degrees F) in 6 month night. It would cool off or warm up the closer you go to the old equator. Maybe you could find a zone
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