Wearing Incorrect Uniform to School

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I am a representative of The Basic Human Rights Group (BHRG) I am here today to lay out strategies that will help in enforcing the rules and coping with angry parents and students. We at BHRG are against the motion of sending home students within school hours. Why? This is unsafe for the students. Their parents left them in your care. So what will happen if they happened to get hurt? Who is to be blamed? The manner in which students dress and groom themselves is a reflection not only on the individual but also on the school. The bling shoes, the color hairstyles, the short skirts, the tight pants and the oversize earrings – I agree are not appropriate for school, but please do not send them home. Take the earrings & the shoes away, let them walk barefoot, some of you use to do that, so they can too. Pull the hems of the skirts and for the boys turn their pants into skirts. Keep them in detention. If they know the consequences of their actions they will obey the rules of the school. And when the parents come let them know that rules are made to be followed. And they should support you 100%. When going to church, court or an interview you have to dress appropriate. So why should dressing for school be any different. Enforce firm boundaries, in term of discipline, let your students & their parents know these boundaries and in time they both will feel compelled and settled with the rules. Yes, there will be some parents that will not accept the rules, but don’t worry about them just remember the saying: “this too shall pass”. We must have pride in our doings, to the best of our abilities, for as long as we have to, for as many times as we have to, in order to get the job
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