Weaknesses And Strengths Of Democracy

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“Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike.” (Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher) Democracy is an established form of governance that through out history has shown to have many merits and weaknesses. While the general perception of democracy is positive, there are examples of democracy having a negative effect on citizens. Specific types of democracy better facilitate benefits for citizens such as every citizen has equal rights, people are more likely to accept the ideas or rules of government more easily if they have a role in choosing the government. 3. Unfortunately there are examples of democracy that have negative impacts on citizens such as in the democratic system, one party or individual is able to remain in power for an extended period of time, the majority has the ability to take rights from the minority and the democratic system is often seen as a slow process A primary merit seen in democracy is that everyone has equal rights. This is a fundamental trait for any democratic society. Every citizen has the right and is able to run for political positions, without discrimination based upon race, religion, gender, etc. Each citizen has a say in elections and has an equal vote. In Elections there are a variety of leaders that offer many different viewpoints and ideas. Most people feel that there is a party that represents them well. This is an example of representative democracy as the citizens are electing representatives to the legislature in hopes of them making decisions on their behalf. If you like a party but there is a topic that you believe in that they are not covering, you are able to talk to them about it. You will be able to get an answer and hopefully a solution to your problem. Regular elections insure that governments are accountable
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