We Should Be Concerned About The Speed Of Population Growth In South And East Asia

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We Should Be Concerned About the Speed of Population Growth in South and East Asia In a region that’s population is growing in between 1 and 2 percents annually, and is already struggling greatly to take care of the people that they have, something needs to be done before it gets any more out of hand. As it stands now the population density of East Asia is around 131 people per Km, and South Asia’s isn’t much less. There isn’t enough food to support the current population, nor is the health care system in place able to take care of the number of people now. Crime rates tend to increase as a country or region's population increases. Something needs to be done to either control the population growth in these regions or find a way to make it possible for such a large number of people to live in that region. The speed of the population growth in South and East Asia should pose a major concern to the current world. In the past there have been major problems that have resulted from rapid population growth in different parts of the world. As population increases there is a greater problem of pollution. One of the most prevalent problems that people think of when they think of population growth is a lack of food. We can also end up with not enough land to farm due to increased housing needs. These and more are large problems we will continue to face with the rapidly increasing population in South and East Asia. The main problem with the increasing population of South and East Asia is the food shortages that they are facing. When a country's population increases, more land is taken out of agricultural production and converted into housing. This creates a problem because the country will now have to increase their imports to make up for that which they used to produce themselves. As of now 25% of children in China already don’t have enough food. This lack of food is

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