Washing Machine Essay

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The main components of the product are: Close to the water inlet point of the washing there is water inlet control valve. When someone places the clothes in washing machine, this valve gets opened automatically and it closes automatically depending on the whole quantity of the water necessary. The water control valve is in fact the solenoid valve. The water pump cycles water throughout the washing machine. It works in two directions, re-circulating the water throughout wash cycle and draining the water for the duration of the spin cycle. There are two types of tubs in the washing machine: internal and external. The clothes are placed in the internal tub, where the clothes are cleaned, rinsed and dried out. The internal tub has tiny holes for draining the water. The external tub covers the inner tub and supports it all through a variety of cycles of clothes washing. The agitator (also called rotating disc) is positioned within the tub of the washing machine. It is the significant part of the washing machine that in reality performs the cleaning procedure of the clothing. During the wash process the agitator rotates constantly and produces strong rotating currents inside the water due to which the clothes as well rotating within the tub. The rotation of the clothes within water containing the detergent enables the elimination of the dust particles from the material of the clothes. Therefore the agitator produces most important purpose of rubbing the clothes with every other in addition to with water. The motor is attached to the agitator and creates it rotator movement. These are multispeed motors, whose pace can be altered as per the necessity. In the entirely automatic washing machine the pace of the motor i.e. the agitator changes automatically as per the load on the washing machine. The timer helps aid setting the wash time for the clothes

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