Was King John Really a Bad King?

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Was King John really a bad king? Most people think that King John was a bad King for example he taxed people heavily, he lost wars, also he stole from people. People only believe this because in those times the monks where the only ones who could write but they were all biased to the Pope. John did do good things for people such as he fed paupers increased the size of the navy. In this paragraph I aim to prove that king John was a bad king. I believe this because John was a poor war leader because in Matthew Paris’s he is shown sitting on a campaign stool (not a throne). He also lost Normandy and many of his other lands because of his own laziness according to a quote from Matthew Paris. Secondly he was greedy for money because a quote from Gervase a monk says ‘the whole of England was taxed heavily’. He also stole from his people which suggested he is greedy. A quote from Matthew Paris states ‘He always took money from his people for all his wars’. John also wasn’t religious because in a source from Gervase it says that he argued with the pope. Also he said ‘all monks were public enemies’. Furthermore he imprisoned monks. Finally John was cruel because he hated his wife because in a source from Matthew Paris it says ‘he hated his wife’. Also in 1194 he beheaded French knights before he became king. This evidence seems to show that John had many faults and he shouldn’t have been king because he was too cruel which wouldn’t have been good for the barons or the people of England. And he taxed people too much which would make the people rebel against him. I therefore believe that John shouldn’t have been king and wasn’t fit for the job of king. Also the people would have gone against the crown because of him. In this paragraph I aim to prove that King John maybe not a bad king as it seems because not all the primary evidence is reliable due to the fact that

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