Why We Should War Be Avoided Essay

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“War should be avoided” I strongly agree with this statement as war never ends well, even if some people are victorious, they’ve still most likely lost thousands of lives of their own country, and others. War should definitely be avoided at all costs, and only even be thought about as a very last resort. Also only in extreme occasions such as being threatened with a bomb attack that could kill thousands of innocent people or being absolutely certain that someone may have weapons of mass destruction, as then, you may be saving more lives of innocent people than you would lose going to war, and also men or women in the army are putting their own lives at risk, whereas people that could be victims could be the ones who haven’t made the big decision to do that.…show more content…
More may believe that war should not be avoided and it’s better to have our army fight just to prevent the risk of innocent people getting killed. I would also disagree with this because there is a possibility that it could turn out that there was no risk at all of innocent lives being taken, and that jumping straight into war has caused more deaths and damage than could have happened. “Love Thy Neighbour” being one of the Ten Commandments and also “You Shall Not Kill” would suggest that most Christians would agree with this statement and that there should be no reason for war if we all helped each other instead. Seeing as Christians strongly disapprove of murdering, this would also prove that most Christians would agree with this statement as in most war situations, thousands of people die, including the innocent ones that did not agree about going to

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