War Photographer Essay

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War Photographer Essay War photographer is a very powerful message by Carl Ann Duffy. The poem is emotional and very powerful, in this poem, Duffy describes the experience of someone whose job it is to witness terrible crimes against humanity and bring them back to us many miles away. The poem is about how he deals with this kind of traumatic experience and how we must take more responsibility. Duffy makes it clear that these wars are happening across the from; Europe “Belfast”, To the Middle East; “Beirut”, To Asia, “Phnom Penh”. Duffy’s poem is about how we deal with the suffering of others, who might be far away. It takes the character of war photographer to present someone more involved and committed than we are. I think war photography keeps us up to date and aware and gets us to know what’s going on in the world with the horrific reality of war. Duffy creates some powerful and disturbing images, images we would rather not think about, or really see. Some of them in particular stand out: “The only light is red and softly glows.” The message here is the connotation of the colour red for blood and its also linked to the Catholic Church, the photo confess the truth of war. The other disturbing images Duffy creates is: “As though there was a church and he a priest preparing to intone a mass.” The message here is that the photographer is being compared with a priest. The priest and the war photographer are standing up for who they support. The church is being compared with the darkroom, the church is sanctuary so is a darkroom, serious.” There is also another disturbing powerful message Duffy creates of: “All fish is grass.” This is a metaphoric expression of a short life. The Biblical reference is that in the Bible in the book of Isaiah, which says all flesh is grass; people are buried underneath the grass. And finally the

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