Waht Has Most Influenced My Thinking and Why?

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For the past four years I have been developing a keen interest in the area of social entrepreneurship. When I search for what it was that led me in this direction, I can trace one of the major influences to Muhammad Yunus’ book: ‘Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism’. I started reading this book on a flight to Ethiopia where I was to present at a conference on ‘Entrepreneurship in Africa’. My paper was a description of the characteristics and success of a South African entrepreneurial role model - Herman Mashaba. Despite all the restrictions and barriers caused by the Apartheid government of the day, Herman had managed to start and grow his successful Company ‘Black like Me’ to the point that he was able to sell a large portion to Colgate-Palmolive in 1998, when multinational companies were flooding back into the markets of the ‘New South Africa’. As this didn’t turn out as profitable as expected, Herman eventually bought back their shares and continued to build his Company into a multi-million rand business. Mashaba is a case in point of how someone literally lifted himself (and others) out of poverty through entrepreneurial enterprise. Until Yunus’ book, I had been convinced that it was entrepreneurship alone that was needed to solve Africa’s most pressing issues such as poverty, unemployment and lack of development. While I still do believe that South Africa and this continent continent needs more entrepreneurship, Yunus introduced me to another type of entrepreneurial pursuit – one that uses innovative thinking and market forces to solve stubborn social problems. Yunus helped me to realise that current capitalistic markets are not necessarily designed to solve social ills. Unfortunately when not legislated well, they can even exacerbate poverty, disease, pollution, corruption, crime and inequality. As observed by

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