Volunteerism Essay

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Nowadays, volunteerism has become very popular around the world.People become more willing to give their time helping those who are in need.For some who think that doing volunteer only brings benefits to the needy may think again, since it is now considered a win-win situation for both the needy and the volunteers. For the needy, it is clearly what they get from volunteerism.The poor get what they need for a better living conditions.The orphans can get out of the lonely feeling and can find love again via the volunteer who come to play and help them.The elder will find their company with others, and they will be happy during the last part of their lives.And for the sick, they may feel better with the sharing of others, their pain can go away for a while, and they will feel happy and have the strength to fight back illness. The question is,what the volunteer get in return?They may not get paid for what they do, they may not get any physical benefits.However, what they get is mentally precious. Some may find their real characteristics, their skill in dealing with people, the patience they never think they have in their lives.Others may find new friends, or someone who can be a big help for their business, their study, or their lives. They also can learn from the needy courage.Although they are poor, they are left behind, they are lonely or in fatal sickness, they still smile and look at lives so optimistically.Taking to them can inspire others with much energy, dreams and goodness. For some who do the volunteer with friends, family or their loved one and find the greatest time together.Their bonding will develop to a whole new level.Families will get to know each other better, when friends can share what they have together.Even for couples, doing volunteer work can be a very romantic way to share their time, to get to understand each other more. For some who look
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