Violence Against Women

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Betül Günaydın Women Are Not Belongings! All over the world, women rights are violated by so-called powerful men on account of their not being strong enough to take a stance. Whether males are educated or not, they tend to harm their wives, girlfriends, or sisters whom they think they have the right to humiliate these females. Most of the beaten women accept violance as if it is normal, they lack education and obey “töre” which are the basic contributing factors for the violance against women. Women’s acceptance of violance is the basic reason for the endless monopolization of power positions. According to a Yakın Ertürk article on violence against women, 23% of women belonging to upper- income families report that their husbands violate them; whereas, the percentage rises to 71% when asked about spesific questions. This shows, the perception of violance in the society is quite far from what it has to be. Violance occurs not only through physical attack but also humiliating, swearing, or suppressing. Also, after facing lots of merciless acts, women become inured. The second reason for violence against women is their lack of education. In rural areas girls are usually not allowed to go to school, as their parents want them to work in fields or to get married. This is why two third of the illiterate adults in the world are female. In today’s world, one should be highly educated to have a decent job and make a living. Mistreated housewives who are in desire of divorcing step back just because they are financially hopeless. Last and the most effectively “töre” (custom or law) ends in the abuse of women again. Commonly in developing and underdeveloped countries, there are some rigid social rules. If someone does not obey them, they will be harmed or killed. In women’s cases, these laws are generally related to their marrital lives. Parents decide who their
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