Verses Upon the Burning House

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Verses upon the Burning of our House Questions- Is having God’s protection well enough even though she lost her house? How did the fire start? How will god help her through this? How could she leave her hope all in something that is just a belief? What are her true feelings right now? How does she describe the events of the fire? How does her faith respond to the loss? How might someone today deal with the same situation? What beliefs about God and the purpose of life are shown in this poem? What does having to be a puritan have to do with this? Clarify- Succourless , which means help or assistance is used to say that God did not leave her. Also it says “Adieu, Adieu, All’s Vanity” which mean to strive for things. In my questions for number 1, I think that it is not good enough because all her belongings and house is gone. There are so many questions on how she will build her life back together even if God helps her. For number 2, I think that it was an accidental fire from someone else because you can see that she hears the calls for fire. For number 3, I think that God will sort of nudge her to the right direction and not just give her everything she needs. For number 4, I think that because she is a puritan she thinks that everything happens for a reason. So therefore she probably thinks that this was something that was meant to be. For number 5, I think her true feelings are despair and even though she thinks that there is still some hope left she Is very let down. For number 6, I think that she describes it by something that is big like when she says it consumes her place. For number 7, I think that she is still very faithful to her god because she says how he will look over her and watch out for her. For number 8, I think that someone else in that situation would probably in shock and just think that his or her life is now over. For
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