Values Of Two-Parent Family

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Values of Two-parent Family Over the time, the pattern of family structure has changed dramatically. Single-parent families in today’s society are much more common than they’re used to be. Because of multiple troubles from marriage, a number of people choose to become single-parents. Those people don’t want to get married; however, they still have a strong desire to raise children in their family. Unfortunately, those people might not realize the negative effects of single parenthood on the children’s psychological and physical development. Children should be raised in two-parent families because both parents play different roles during the development of their children, provide better support for their children and avoid negative psychological effects on the children caused by the lack of one-parenting. Firstly, since father and mother play different roles in the family, both parents have critical values in the development of their children. For example, the father often plays the leading role in the household. His primary responsibility is to bring in the income to support for the family. Also, father show his love by protecting, giving suggestion, and guidelines for the kids. On the other hand, the mother in typical household plays a significant role in nurturing, guidance and family growth. Her primary responsibility may be to take care of the family. She shows her love by spending a great deal of time with childcare and child-rearing as well as doing household chores such as cleaning, cooking or grocery shopping to make sure the kids have educational and nurturing home environment. As you can see, because of the different in characteristics of men and women, fathers and mothers show their love for their children in different ways. Therefore, children need love from both of their mother and father in order to grow into emotionally mature adults. Secondly, the

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