Values In Iraq

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Values in Iraq are set in place by their strong belief in the Islamic Religion and the Quran. They find that their family values, workplace values and even the way they communicate with each other stem from their strong belief in Islam. In order to understand the values of Iraqi people we must understand the Islamic influence that is in place. When looking at the basic value orientations presented in Chapter three of our book we see that we need to be able to place each culture within each assumption in order to understand how we can communicate effectively with these people. When dealing with Identity Negation theory we must consider how Iraqi’s view themselves. Iraqi people find that family, honor and respect within their communities are the basis to which they build their foundation of identity. Iraqi people are a mix of masculine and feminine culture. While most people would say that they are solely masculine I would argue that they fall directly in the middle of this category. In Iraqi families the man is the head of the household and the wife is the submissive member in public. But when the door closes and they are alone the roles almost reverse themselves, the wife is in charge of the home, she is responsible for everything that takes place in the home and the husband is submissive to her when in their home. Iraqi males are more sensitive than males in an only masculine culture. While when it comes to their children the Iraqi people definitely belong to a high power dimension culture. The children are not as free as the wife is when the doors to the home are closed and they are alone. The children always remain submissive to the father and elders. It is important that they believe in their role as observers and learn the ways of the people from observation instead of questioning. When dealing with the Temporal Orientation it is safe to say that Iraqi
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