Value Of Life (Complete B.S.)

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The Value of Life What is the value of life? The answer to this question seems to vary from person to person, but I believe that the value of life is to ultimately better yourself as a person and learn from your mistakes to progress in your life and have a positive impact on others. Looking back on my life, I find that the most painful experiences taught me the most valuable lessons. But, you never learn what those lessons will be until you're on the other side. Over-coming obstacles, and tough times throughout my life and how I've dealt with them have made me into the person I am today. However, that can't be said for everyone. As we had our class debate on Suicide, I came to the realization that nearly everyone had they're own tough experiences in life or knew someone who did, and nearly all of them dealt with it in their own way. I am learning more and more that we are all on the long journey of life, however, the vast majority of us don't see eye to eye simply because we are all on different paths or we have been on different paths in our lives. Figuratively speaking if all of us took different paths on a journey we would all experience and see different things from different perspectives and overcome those obstacles that we face in different ways. Although we are all on the same journey (life) we all have our own paths and it is up to us to decide what to do with them, or maybe even to change paths; to make a turn for the better or the worse. Some might not fully understand to value of life because they might not have the greatest influences surrounding them, and they are manipulated and they're reasoning is distorted. When there are those who consider the option of suicide, they are for the most part genuinely convinced that it is they're only option and that it is a way out. There are indeed some cases where unfortunately that may be true,

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