Using Technology in English Lessons

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Using Technology in Class In today's modern technological era teachers can motivate their students' learning and interest in different ways. Using technology in English classes can upgrade the students' language acquisition and create new opportunities for students to learn and develop their skills. Here are some examples of motivating my students in English classes by using technology: 1. Interviews In junior high classes there are chapters that deal with interviews. After teaching the grammar, question forms, etc... I ask my students to get in pairs and write an interview of their own based on the topic they've learned. After writing it they are asked to record themselves during class, using their mp3 (in previous years) or their iPhone (nowadays). The students love it. They practice saying their parts of the interview over and over again because they try to record an excellent conversation without mistakes. They hear their own discussion on the device and judge for themselves whether to repeat it or not. Recording themselves on the iphone/mp3, the students develop an individual responsibility for improving their skill of speaking. Most of my students record fluent interviews and they are very satisfied and proud of their final product. Some of the interviews I hear on their device and the others are sent to me via mail. 2. A questionnaire. This task I usually do in high school classes. The students are asked to make up a questionnaire based on the topic they've learned or in other classes I provide the questions. What special about this task is the requirement to collect the information from people or teenagers outside the school, during class. I allow them to take out their cell phones, or use the computer room and start sending text messages, calling friend, or using facebook. They are allowed to use their "beloved" devices with full

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