Us East Air Case

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USEast Case Study (DRAFT) I. Background Mike Shepard was traveling from Roanoke, Virginia, to Nashville, Tennessee, through Pittsburgh on USEast Airline and had purchased an electronic ticket on the airline‘s website. When he checked in with an airline agent in Roanoke, she gave Mike a boarding pass from Roanoke to Pittsburgh and a second boarding pass for his connecting flight from Pittsburgh to Nashville. Mike uses a canyon bag, so he proceeded directly to the gate, boarded his flight on time, and had an eventful trip to Pittsburgh. Arriving on time on Pittsburgh, he ate a sandwich and went to the gate where he waited for his flight to Nashville to board. When his flight began to board, Mike stood nearby so he could get on the plane as soon as possible. From experience he knew that people who boarded a full flight late often could not find space in the overhead bin for their carry on and this appeared to be a hill flight. When Mike handed his ticket to the gate attendant, she told him, “I am sorry sir, you can’t board; your boarding pass is supposed to have a ticket coupon attached. The boarding pass does not verify you have paid for your ticket.” Mike told her, “The boarding pass was ail I was given in Roanoke. Anyway, how do you think I got from Roanoke to Pittsburgh if I didn’t pay for my ticket?” The attendant showed Mike his boarding pass which clearly said, ‘not valid without flight coupon attached,“ and curtly told him to see the attendant at the gate desk and tell him he needed a ticket. Mike dutifully did as he was told; he walked to the desk 30 feet away and approached the attendant, who looked up at Mike. Mike explained what had happened and said that the boarding pass was all that he had been given by the agent in Roanoke. The attendant began working at his computer. Several minutes passed and the attendant returned the boarding pass to Mike with a

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