Urban Outfitters Continuing Case

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QUESTION 1 Explain why Sears or Wal-mart cannot effectively create a trendy counterculture image. As far as I know, Wal-mart cannot create a trendy counterculture because its core business is low price on products which is called Roll Back Price. This means that trendy clothes that create a counterculture image tend to attract a higher price which is not Wal-mart’s competitive advantage. Wal-mart is known for selling clothes at a lower price. In addition, the cost associated with trendy clothes would not be profitable for Wal-mart. Wal-mart shoppers are looking for a bargain when they go shopping at their stores. They also buy their merchandise in bulk which is geared towards lower price as oppose to small quantities that are bought by Urban Outfitters. Urban Outfitters also price their items at a higher price which enable them to create a trendy counterculture. Sears and Wal-mart are known as big retail box stores who advertise their products in several markets. Their products are neither exclusive nor unique that are geared towards a trendy counterculture image. They also specialize in advertising their products to all kinds of people. As a result of their distinctive advantage in offering quality items at cheaper price, they cannot effectively produce a trendy counterculture image due to mass production and price. For Urban Outfitters, a trendy counterculture image for the most part, attracts a younger generation. It would not be profitable for these big retailers if they create and sell trendy items because they would have to spend more on advertising to those select groups. That is why these retailers buy merchandise in big bulks at a lower price to offer a low price to their customers. Trendy items tend to be limited and not bought in bulk; hence they attract a higher retail price. QUESTION 2 Could the big box stores sell merchandise identical to

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