Unit 501 - Communication

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UNIT 501 – Use and develop systems that promote communication 1.1 Being able to communicate effectively builds trust, respect, enhances learning and accomplishes goals. Within my job role the level of communication I have to uphold has to be one of paramount importance. I have a role of great responsibility dealing with service users and their families or advocates / health professionals and external agencies. Therefore, my communication has to be clear and professional whilst I am conveying instruction and information. I consider communication to be successful when the desired objective is attained. All communication has a purpose, whether to inform, to convince or to serve some other purpose; communication is what ties all departments within an organisation together. When I am communicating with internal staff such as senior support workers and support staff, I use organisational communication which is an established language that is familiar within our company that all employees understand. Other forms of communication I use within my organisation are verbal, written, electronic, assisted, promotional and informative. Non-verbal e.g. sign language and pictorial can also be used when recruiting prospective staff with such a disability as we are an equal opportunities employer. When liaising with external agencies such as Care Quality Commission, social services and health professionals I use a more formal approach. I judge the way I should communicate and how it will work most effectively when I’m talking to an individual. 1.2 Whilst communication is about exchanging information, effective communication builds trust and respect and requires the skills to understand emotional needs, it improves work relations, improves teamwork, decision making, caring and problem solving. It also enables negative or difficult messages to be conveyed without causing
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