Unit 4222-223 Essay

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unit 4222-223 The rights that individuals have to: • be respected • be treated equally and not be discriminated against • be treated as an individual • be treated in a dignified way • privacy • be protected from danger and harm • be cared for in a way that meets their needs, takes account of their choices and also protects them • access information about themselves • communicate using their preferred methods of communication and language you encourage individuals to communicate when they need to use toilet facilities 2. you support individuals to: • understand which toilet facilities are available to them • select the toilet facilities they prefer • go to, and return from the toilet safely 3. you ensure that individuals can call for help and that it will be heard 4. you respond to calls for help immediately 5. you encourage individuals to find the most appropriate and acceptable method of cleaning themselves 6. you encourage individuals to wash their hands after using the toilet 7. you ensure the toilet facilities are clean before they are used again 8. you move and dispose of body waste discreetly, immediately and in ways that: • minimise the risk of cross infection • are respectful of the individual’s personal beliefs and preferences 9. you follow organisational requirements and wear appropriate protective clothing when you move and dispose of body waste 10. you wash your hands and ensure your own cleanliness and hygiene after moving and disposing of body waste 11. you measure and record output and/or bodily waste where this is required by the individuals’ care plans 12. you report any problems and significant changes to the appropriate people, within confidentiality agreements and according to legal and organisational requirements Enable individuals to maintain their personal hygiene Performance Criteria You need to
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