Unit 2 Medical Terminolgy

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Unit 3 Assignment Outcomes addressed in this activity: • Divide medical terms related to anatomical direction, oncology, the integumentary system and the respiratory system into word elements. • Define medical terms related to anatomical direction, oncology, the integumentary system and respiratory systems. • Create new medical terms related to anatomical direction, oncology, the integumentary system and respiratory systems. • Explain the singular and plural forms for medical terms related to anatomical direction, oncology, the integumentary system and respiratory systems. Course outcomes: HS111-1: Define the word elements of a medical term. HS111-2: Formulate proper definitions of presented medical terms. HS111-3: Compose accurate medical terms, based on established medical terminology guidelines. HS111-4: Demonstrate the singular and plural forms of medical terminology. Instructions In this assignment you will need to complete an analysis chart for ten (10) medical terms. Please be sure to complete the information for all fourteen (14) spaces. If there is not an applicable answer please indicate this by entering “n/a” in the space. At the end of the project be sure to list all applicable references and cite them in APA format. Written Assignment requirements: Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion. Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with meeting APA expectations. Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. Assignment grading rubric = 80 points |Assignment Criteria |Points possible |Points earned by | |
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