Unification of Italy and Germany

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In the unification of the countries Italy and Germany, Bismarck and Cavour had some of the greatest impacts on this. The methods in which they achieved their goals were different in many ways yet similar in others. This can be seen in the ways they fought wars, their policies and even in their intentions behind their goals. All of which were key factors in the unification. Both Bismarck and Cavour would use war as a way to get what they wanted or needed either as a first or last resort. The use of this proved beneficial to both of them in that the use of war and cleverness gained them success in one or more of their goals. For Cavour this was his main goal of the unification of Italy, and for Bismarck it was the unification of Germany. Both men, being clever and tricky, realized quickly that they would be needing an ally in this, one that they could manipulate to do and be what they needed. This for the both of them ended up being Napoleon III. Cavour and Bismarck used Napoleon III as a way to form alliances and in turn promised him land as long as he helped them to be successful. The two of them used their surroundings and what they knew from past successes in order to manipulate those like Napoleon. Each of them was highly intelagent in their own ways which they knew how to use to their advantage. They used their intelegence to establish alliances and even to make new policies. One of the main resources they both used as much as they could was to use the army and to strengthen it in order to assure their success. It was in things like military tactics that they showed just how different they truly were. While they were similar in many ways they were also completely different people who did not share some of the same beliefs as the other did. Bismarck had the desire to act in ways that would serve him a greater good, sometimes even more so than it would
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