Unforgettable Excursion Essay

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Unforgettable Excursion Wendy Carlin HS 130-04 Unit 4 Assignment Kaplan University 1/5/13 Good morning students, I hope you are ready for this unforgettable excursion we are about to venture on. Today we are going to be taking a trip inside and through the body of a healthy female. The trip will start by being injected into the femoral vein and we will be traveling to the lower lobe of the left lung. I am really excited about everything that we will be seeing on our trip. Before we start on our trip, we will be put into a submarine and be miniaturized to the size of 8 microns. We will then be injected into the femoral vein and begin our adventure. The submarine is glass enclosed so we will be able to see everything around us. We will also have video contact with the “outside world” and be able to send them anything unusual that we may encounter. Is everyone ready? Here we go! Here we are, in the femoral vein; is everyone still with me? Great! As you all know from your anatomy and physiology class, the femoral vein is the largest vein in the groin and it passes along with the femoral artery under the inguinal ligament and carries de-oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lower extremities. ("Definition of femoral," 2012). As you look around you will see different muscles including the adductor muscles. There are also lymph nodes in the groin area so keep an eye out for them. Do you remember what the lymph nodes do? One of the responsibilities of lymph nodes is filtering bacteria from our bodies. If you see any lymph nodes that are enlarged it usually means there is an infection and the lymph nodes are capturing the bacteria. We are now leaving the right femoral vein and entering the external iliac vein. Here we can see the de-oxygenated blood traveling from the legs to the heart. From here we will pass the external iliac vein which is formed
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