Understand the Current Legislative Framework and Organisational Health, Safety and Risk Management Policies, Procedures and Practices That Are Relevant to Health, and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings

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Develop Health and Safety and Risk Management Policies, Procedures and Practices in Health and Social Care or Children and Young People’s Settings. Understand the current legislative framework and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices that are relevant to health, and social care or children and young people’s settings. 1.1 There are a large number of legislations in place to govern the Health and Safety and Risk Management in the work place. Below, are the explanations of each legislation which are relevant to children and young people’s settings. Health and Safety Work Act 1974 This is the primary piece of legislation; this act creates rights and obligations on employers and employees. This protection applies to any person who utilises the premises such as, students, parents, visitors and workmen. It is the health and safety executive’s (HSE) responsibility for the enforcement of health and safety law. They have the power to issue improvement and prohibition notices and can bring prosecutions against any person who doesn’t abide by the act. The employer’s duties are to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. This has to be done by carrying out risk assessments, allowing employees the necessary information, instruction and training with regards to health and safety at work, making the workplace a safe working environment with adequate facilities. Employers must have a written health and safety policy, which must be brought to the notice of all employees. Employees, volunteers and service users also have responsibilities within the act; they have a common law duty of care. The act requires them to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and other people at work. They must not interfere with or obstruct anything provided in the interests of health and safety at work. It is their

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