Unadressed Situation: Unemployment

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Unaddressed situation: Unemployment Morgan 1 There are many adversities in the world. Some are very common and some we have never heard of. There is one very common adversity, one faced by about 14 million people in the U.S alone. This very major adversity is called unemployment. Unemployment is the lack of job for person who has been searching for a job for a period of time (usually 4 weeks or more). Unemployment is a very significant problems because it affects a person on a huge mental scale and affects the country’s economy. Unemployment is found in almost all of the countries. In fact, this is one of the major problems that every country is trying to solve. About 16.2% of the U.S population is unemployed, about 25% in Greece are unemployed and so on. Unemployment is a huge problem and is near impossible to eradicate it all alone. Without the cooperation of every country, this adversity cannot be removed from Earth. This adversity affects a lot of people. It especially affects the family of the unemployed person. If the person is not employed, then there is no money,and when there is no money, there is no food. Unemployment also affects the country’s economy. The higher the unemployment, the more economic problems. For example, unemployment may cause wide-scale protests and it takes money to quell this rebellions. Overall, unemployment is found almost everywhere and is a huge problem. Unemployment affects the person and his family a lot. Recent cases have proved that unemployment is one factor of drug abuse and physical violence. Increased crime rates are also because of unemployment. When a man does not have anything in his pocket, he gets it from somewhere ! Morgan 2 else. There has also been a 63% increase in deaths and one of the many factors is unemployment. There have also been many property seizures because of the inability to pay back
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