Types of Teachers

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The types of teachers Great teachers are vital in a student’s education. As Brad Henry once said, “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” A great teacher inspired me to become a teacher. Ever since, I have put teachers into groups, which include the Rabbits, Tiggers, eeyores, and the Christopher Robin’s. The first group of teachers is the ‘rabbits”. As mother Theresa once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them”. By judging others, you cannot be nice to them. Some teachers, as well as many other people, can learn from this quote. Imagine today is the first day of school when a student walks in five minutes late during the last class of the day. Steven is wearing baggy pants, a sideways hat, and a shirt with obscenities on it. Without talking to Steven, Mrs. K believes that Steven is a bad student. About two months later, of which Mrs. Kirk has been making fun of Steven every day, she tells him he can cut himself. Unbelievably, I have seen a teacher do this in the past. Judging a person before meeting them is a quick path to destruction. The second group of teachers is the ‘Tiggers’. These would be the teachers that are beyond excited to be at school on a Monday morning. Some teachers love to teach, as well as the subject they teach. This is truly inspiring. These teachers go beyond in their job as a teacher. Students that have a teacher that get excited about school also will get excited about their education. This will lead to higher grades and student productivity. There are, however, teachers that hate having to come to school at least five times a week to teach students. I call these the eeyores or the anti-walkers. The Eeyores are a type of teacher that will constantly complain about how the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, cut their pay and ruined
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