Types of Government

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Justin Caloras History Cleary Period 7 Over time, a lot of governments have developed in different parts of the world depending on the necessities of the people and the economic resources available. Political power is based on the ideas and thoughts of the society that include a culture or part of one. Although government systems have changed over the course of history, it still plays a very important part in a society for decision making, control and desire to make things run better. A Theocracy is a government in which the laws of religion are the laws of the state. Usually, a theocracy is used when the population is of uniform religion so there wouldn’t be any conflicts because everyone had the same idea. John Calvin lead the Calvinist reformation in Geneva, Switzerland during the 1540’s which lead to the creation of a theocratic government in the city. All the leaders were Calvinists and since law was based on religion, there weren’t any problems regarding decision making. Another time period where a theocracy was used was in ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, people thought of the Pharaohs (Kings) as gods, so that if the Pharaoh made a law, it was an action of god. An advantage of a theocracy is that all citizens followed the laws because the law is what they believed in. One disadvantage of a theocracy is that if the citizens aren’t all of one religion, conflicts may occur because not everyone has the same opinion. Feudalism is a government based on social class. Feudalism was mainly used in medieval Europe and imperial Japan. A person’s status determined his or her power. A king or emperor was of the highest power during the feudal time period while the peasants were the lowest on the totem pole. How it worked was peasants worked in fields and grew crops. Peasants were required to give a certain amount of their crops to
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