Two Kinds by Amy Tan

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“Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Johane Souvenance English II Composition Two Kinds by Amy Tan is a story that took place in Chinatown in the late years of 1950’s and the early 1960’s. The story contains the main characters who are Amy Tan herself (Jing-mei) as the protagonist, and her mother who happens to be the antagonist. The story was centered on the main characters and their conflicts; Amy Tan was unhappy with her mother choosing on how she should live her life, as her mother kept pushing Amy to discover some unknown ability and be someone she is not destined to be. As the story developed, Amy become rebellious towards her mother and eventually decided to do anything to have her mother stop with the behavior. Mrs. Woo has moved to America in 1949 from China after losing everything including her mother, her father, her first husband and her twin daughters (p. 542). After losing everything, coming to America would be a second chance for starting for Jing-Mei’s mother as she sees America as the Land of Opportunity. She was a housekeeper, going from house to house to make a living, and provide for her family. She wanted her daughter to try every opportunity she felt would eventually make her a star, such as being the next Shirley Temple by becoming an actor, intellectual testing, and when neither of those areas was working, she then decided that Jing will be a pianist. At first, Jing-mei seems to tolerate of her mother’s goals, but later became annoyed and felt her mother constant behavior towards her being a prodigy child that she is not may have gone too far. Being a housecleaner, Mrs. Woo didn’t much money to provide Jing with piano lesson; instead she traded housecleaning services for her piano lesson from a retired piano teacher Mr. Chong who is deaf and don’t have the best vision to tell whether or not Jing-mei is playing the right notes. Jing-mei had learned

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