Tv Has Destroyed Communication Among Friends and Family

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In the Name of God TV has destroyed communication among friends and family. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Being able to communicate in a positive way is a very important and urgent need of modern society. If a person and even a society want to be successful and have access to the sources of power nothing like communication can help them is the fulfillment of this purpose. Communication is not only important in helping people go up the ladder of success in the society but it is also a key factor in maintaining the relationship among friends and family. However, there are many elements which threat the quality of communication among friends and family. One of these threats is, in my view, TV. Firstly, according to reliable statistics TV has occupied most of the families’ free time and they mostly gather around to watch TV when they are backed from work. Although TV may have a positive role in educating their children and providing useful information for the family, it is not at all as important and necessary as the communication. Nothing is more important and urgent for a family than sitting around in a friendly manner, talking about the daily events and issues and expressing their feelings and attitudes towards each other. It is through this friendly and close communication that the members of the family become aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can find the suitable solutions for their social, personal and psychological needs. These, in turn, help the family practice listening to each other and respect each other’s ideas and consultations which are important factors in the development and maintenance of a family. TV is, however, an obstacle which deprives the family from satisfying such an important need. Secondly, TV may be harmful from another aspect which is somehow related to the quality of communication among friends and
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