Tsinghua Tongfang Co. Ltd

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Tsinghua Tongfang Co. Ltd A leading high technology company in Beijing, THTF, like most Chinese corporations was changing their control systems because of the new socialist market economy. THTF was decentralizing their operations and developing more formal performance evaluation systems and larger performance bases incentives. The company was hoping to add stock options to the compensation packages to some of the employees, if and when the Chinese government legalized their use. Historically, Chinese companies had not been allowed to issue stock option. THTF managers expected that a law would pass which would allow companies to issue stock options, as the government wanted to encourage development of the country’s information technology industries. The stock options would only take place in years when the previous year’s performance met certain criteria, with only five types of employees becoming eligible for the stock options. These employees ranged from top mngt to R&D employees. Incentive programs provide the push for the alignment of employees natural self interests with the organizations objectives. Some employees need incentives to exert extra effort to perform certain tasks, while other rewards are used to improve employee recruitment and retention. In this case, THTF is using the stock options to attaining and attracting talented employees, and rewarding them for their efforts. The stock options would be for a term of ten years. The vesting of options would be spread over a 3 year period. This long term incentive would increase the likely hood that the employees eligible for the options work and perform not only in their best interests but the interests of the company as well. The employees not eligible for the options will continue to receive a bonus, while the others will receive a smaller bonus but the options will keep the total
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