Transnational Railways Essay

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Reginald D. Autry CIS 409 Strayer University/Violette Abstract Because Transnational Railways has several Supervisory Conductors (SCs) stationed in different networked geographic regions and need access to your transport control module, and other resources. Here we will: Propose a plan that will allow all the SC’s access to the networked transport control module and other resources in the HQ domain while preventing them from accessing other resources in all the other domains besides their own, create hundreds of new user accounts in which the new employees will all be working at the company’s headquarters in various departments. We will ensure the security of the company’s highly sensitive transportation infrastructure data. She has asked you to develop a plan to educate users on the importance of network security. Explain the approach we have taken to educate broad users will differ from the specialized education needed for higher-level security (i.e. securing the use of an administrative account). IMPLEMENTATION To properly administer the Transnational Railways Windows domains and networks, we will implement Role Based Access Controls (RBAC). AGUDLP (for "account, global, universal, domain local, permission") and AGLP (for "account, global, local, permission") summarize similar RBAC implementation schemes in Active Directory and in Windows NT, respectively. This is a multi-domain environment connected by expensive WAN links or VPN connections, so global catalog servers will be used to cache certain directory object classes and attribute types in order to reduce costly or slow inter-domain directory lookups. Objects cached by the global catalog servers include universal groups but not global groups, making membership look-ups of universal groups much faster than similar queries of global groups. Now changes to universal groups require forest-wide

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