Transition Year Maths

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TY Maths A Different Approach Transition year is not like any other year of school. It leaves behind the traditional study of other years and introduces you to new and exciting opportunities, new ways to learn and to study and helps you to develop as a person. There is less of an emphasis on study (don’t get me wrong, there is still work to do) in transition year, yet it is all about developing new skills for the future and becoming the best person you can be. Ty maths is nothing like maths in third year, there isn’t that constant pressure or endless list of questions to do, there is more freedom to explore maths as a whole, not just the boring, dull stuff you have to do for exams. It’s about understanding maths in a whole new light and appreciating it! Ty maths takes the pressure off preparing for the examination, which means having time to enjoy, maths in a new manner. In ty so far we have covered the algebra section of the leaving certificate syllabus, which at this stage is brilliant as there will be a lot less pressure in 5th year. We have also come to terms with the difficulties involved in Higher Level maths, such as how they word the questions, but on top of that we have looked at how maths extends far beyond the classroom and is actually interesting and can I dare say it, fun! One of the first topics we looked at away from the traditional work was Project Maths. It was all over the radio, newspaper, and television and even thought Project maths will have a massive impact on us, in terms of what we would have to study, none of us had any real idea what it was all about. So we decided to do a project on Project Maths to try and find out the big deal was. By doing this project we answered many questions we had on project maths: what is project maths, its entry into our schools, the new syllabus, and why they are doing. As you can tell we learned tons of

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