Transcultural Nursing Essay

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The progress of modern nursing has developed along with, and embracing, the ideas of “wholeness”, “holism” and “holistic” in both a theoretical and practical setting (Kim, 2007). The underlying concept, according to the American Holistic Nursing Association (AHNA, 2011) is that holistic nursing is, “...all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as it’s goal”.
This essay will identify the basic principle of, as well discuss, modern day holistic nursing practice with regard to holistic assessment and will address the central constructs of spirituality, physical, emotional, social, cultural and psychological aspects of holistic nursing whilst also considering the “reductionist” bio-medical models that have been used in the past.
Having discussed Holistic nursing practice the essay shall then look at Madeleine Leininger’s model, Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory, concerning Transcultural Nursing, which has been chosen as the topic for this essay because of its relevance and increasing importance to the nursing profession in a multicultural society.
The essay will further look at the evolution and development of the theory along with its relevant features and intended aim and purpose. Furthermore, the essay will go on to illustrate the links with the ideals of Holism and Holistic nursing practice, as well as its limitations and criticisms, in the current climate.
The information given regarding the topics within the essay shall be supported by referencing from current literature and a range of electronic sources which will include articles from relevant online journals and textbooks as well as expert opinion.

Holistic Nursing Practice and Philosophy:
As far back as the 5th century BC, the Greek physician Hippocrates understood that employing of the concept of “Holism”, in medicine, was crucial to healing. In fact the word

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