Traditional vs Online Education

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Traditional Education vs. Online Education Shereta Sweet COM/155F3 09/08/2013 Jennifer James Abstract In making a decision to return to school, potential students now have options on where they would like to attend, when they would like to attend, and now how they would like to attend. Students have a choice between traditional education which takes place in a classroom and online education which takes place online through the Internet. In this essay, I compare and contrast traditional education and online education. Both forms of education have proven to be effective and resourceful. In this essay readers will find details and answered to general questions that a potential student might ask when comparing traditional and online education. Classroom vs. Online When making the decision to return to school and advance the education level last completed, deciding what school to attend and a choice of major is hard enough. Potential students now have options that may better suit their particular needs. Traditional classroom education and online education has proven to be an effective method of learning. Learning styles and life’s responsibilities sometimes get in the way of pursuing advancement of education, students can now choose between face-to-face communications versus e-mail style communications. Standard routine is also a topic students are face with when deciding what education method best suits their needs. Whether the decision is to enroll in an online program or the traditional education style, students must be committed and make the choice that will best fit their lifestyle, learning style, and schedule. Learning Styles Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning. Depending on learning preference, obtaining an

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