Traditional Chinese Society and Culture and the Power and Authority Prior 1900

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“ Describe traditional Chinese society and culture and evaluate the nature of power and authority in China prior to 1900.” Today, China is the most populated country in the world having more than 1.3 billion people living in the country. Prior to 1900 China had a very long and traditional history when it came to their society and culture. Power and authority in China played a major role prior to the 1900’s. Their government was based on the teachings of Confucianism, China was then ruled by different dynasties. Each dynasty had an Emperor who ruled the country, this was decided through “The Mandate of Heaven” which again integrated the teachings of Confucianism. Confucius was a chinese philosopher, born in 551 BC, whose quotes and ideas were all collected after his death and became the basis of a philosophical doctrine, known today as Confucianism. Confucianism is to do with human beings on what they achieve and their interest. The theory of confucianism believes that man cannot live alone, but with other human beings, the ultimate goal in their life is to be happy, to achieve this they must reach complete peace. The “Mandate of Heaven” is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept, this originated in the Zhou Dynasty, from 1046 - 256 BCE. The mandate is which determines whether the emperor of china is suitable enough to rule; if he does not meet the requirements or obligations as emperor, then he loses his power to rule. There are four main rules to the “Mandate of heaven: 1. Heaven chooses whom the emperor will be and gives them the right to rule 2. There is only one heaven, so there can only empor at a time. 3. The emperor's goodness and kindness determines his right to rule 4. No one dynasty has a permanent right to rule. IF the “Mandate of Heaven” is not happy with the emperor's ways, things would begin to happen to symbolise this: Invasions by

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