Tradition vs. Modernity

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Tradition vs. Modernity -argumentative essay- Over the decades, people have become less and less conservative and more open to the new. Is tradition outshined by the glow of modernity, or is it still influencing our way of life. Firstly, not only is modernity the result of evolution, but it is also a path to evolution. Therefore, while modernity is strongly related to the present and futurea and leads our society forward, tradition is a symbol of the past, and it draws back our society, being an impediment to evolution. For instance, if the intelectuals of the past, such as Charles Darwin or Galileo Galilei respected the tradition and blindly believed in everyting which was written in the Holy Scripture, nowadays science would have never existed. Secondly, modernity represents freedom, whilst tradition means stiffness and limitation. Furthermore, modernity offers us a higher standard of life, freedom with no boundary but the law, more access to information and knowledge, more entertainment, education, etc, whilst tradition offers us a life in darkness, forcing us to stricly follow a lifestyle pattern, which excluded all the above mentioned advantages, and transforming us into plain human beings, who are born to work hard all their life and then die, without leaving any trace of their existance. On the other side, those who lived their lives outside the tradition, were the great figures of history, the key to evolution : scientists, writers, doctors, mathematicians and so on. These ideas are clearly illustrated by the great difference between urban, representative of modernity, and rural life, representative of tradition, life in the city being more comfortable and dynamic than the dull one from the village, which is often dominated by poverty and shortages. However, tradition can be considered an archaic form of modernity. Thus tradition is a major, even
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