Tom Dobb and Deborah Samson

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Lila Mastroberti Victoria Brook Danielle Ohemeng Often when we learn about the hundreds and thousands of people involved in a war, it is easy to lose sight of the individuals. The Revolutionary War as a whole had a major purpose, but it required aligning purposes of individuals to make it a reality. Sometimes these individuals were willing, sometimes they were forced. Sometimes they were your typical soldier, sometimes there was more than met the eye. Even though Tom Dobb and Deborah Samson joined the Revolutionary War in very different ways, the cause of the revolution spoke to their individual causes. Samson found kinship with the American Revolution as it mirrored her own rebellious and unconventional attitude. Dobb, a fictional character that certainly characterized many historical heroes, although forced into service, eventually found that the Revolution was fighting for exactly what he wanted to give to his descendants: a good life Deborah Samson’s life would not be considered ideal. Abandoned by her father, and her mother having close to nothing, she was forced into servitude from around ages eight to eighteen. This was not an unusual circumstance in the day, but Samson stands out. “Her life as a servant is a story of incessant work, of the mastery of an unusual combination of skills, and of the successful pursuit of an education in books in defiance of her master—in short, of the emergence of a young woman with a sense of herself” (Young 30). This was contrary to how a woman should think at the time. Once free, she became a weaver and then later a teacher, which were expected of her as a woman. However, Samson was not the average woman. Even though Samson was free, she was not satisfied with her life. Perhaps her current jobs were not providing enough money. Perhaps her lively and clever personality needed a challenge and change. Perhaps something
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