To What Extent Were the Dictators Hitler and Mussolini Responsible for the Outbreak of Ww2 in Europe

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To what extent were the dictators Hitler and Mussolini responsible for the outbreak of WW2 in Europe Dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are largely responsible for the outbreak of WW2. This is due to the aggressive and dangerous foreign policies. It aggravated tensions between European powers and the Western Allies. Even though these two dictators played a major role in the outbreak of war, the little resistance from the Allies gave the dictators breathing room to enforce such heavy foreign policies and ultimately create fear and tensions between nations. Other influences include the League of Nations which failed the principle of collective security and the enforcements of demilitarisation. The failure to enforce the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and Locarno Treaty assisted the Germans and Italians to continue their aggressive policies. Even though the Allies showed little resistance, the resistance would not be required if the two dictators did not have the intensions of launching aggressive foreign policies. War resulted because of Nazi aggression. “Hitler coming to power showed his clear primary objective which was to tear up the Treaty of Versailles.” Hitler totally disregarded the policies and introduced conscription, built a massive army, created an air force, built heavy guns and submarines. All these contradicted the terms of the Treaty. The Remilitarisation of the Rhineland in 1936 is regarded as a turning point in German Foreign policy as it ultimately resulted in Germany gaining a larger army force and altered the balance of power in Europe. Britain and France did nothing to prevent Hitler from rearmament which revealed a weakness in the Allied forces. Hitler became powerful again and Germany’s strategic position strengthened. “It helped to perpetuate the Fuhrer myth, it increased the German people’s faith in Hitler and Hitler himself
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