To What Extent Had Stolypin Solved Russia’s Political and Economic Problems by 1914?

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To what extent had Stolypin solved Russia’s political and economic problems by 1914? Stolypin was appointed as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1906 until 1911 in which time he made several major policies in order to develop Russia‘s political and economic state, to a large extent solving these problems. However not all these policies actually had a large or positive impact on Russia, which suggests that to a limited extent Stolypin had solved Russia’s political and economic problems. To a large extent Stolypin had solved Russia’s political problems by 1914. The main one being the political support for the Tsar, which, arguably due to Stolypin’s reign, had increased largely by 1914 from 1905; this suggests that Stolypin improved the level of support and trust from the Russian population after their 1905 Revolution. Although it must be considered that this may not be a direct result of Stolypin, this could have been to other factors such as other ministers etc. Another improvement that Stolypin may have been responsible for in terms of stabilising political unrest was reflected in the decline in membership numbers of political parties and trade unions and radical groups. In 1907 there were 300,000 Union members whereas by 1914 the number had dropped considerably to only 40,000 Union members which suggests that the Russian population were happier with the way things were being run (as a result of Stolypin’s policies) and that they felt less of a need to voice complaints. However such a significant drop in numbers could have actually been a result of the government’s use of the Okhrana (secret police) which used fear to instil obedience and so to a limited extent as a result of Stolypin actually solving the political problems in Russia. Stolypin to a large extent solved Russia’s political problems by 1914 through more effective use of the Duma’s.
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