To What Extent Does Webster Portray and Disordered World Without Moral Certainty

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The White Devil is a revenge tragedy which fits in to the Gothic genre. The title itself explores the unity of virtue and vice as it is an oxymoron suggesting that good and evil are joined together. Webster’s perspective of humanity is rather bleak and pessimistic, he was ‘much possessed by death’ (T.S. Eliot) which perhaps explains the brutality of his work. Typically the Gothic is made up of elements such as corruption, confusion, immorality, transgression which ultimately lead to a disordered world. The plays main concerns are murder, revenge, infidelity, disguise, love, conflict and death. These themes clearly allow for a play of disorder to unfold. Thus creating a drama filled with chaos corruption and disorder through the use of various Gothic components. In Act 1 we learn that Lodovico has been ‘banished’ for committing ‘murders here in Rome, bloody and full of horror’ he complains that his sentence is unjust, ‘fortune is a whore’ and highlights the corruption within the justice system ‘Your wolf no longer seems to be a wolf than when she is hungry’. This is a reference to how different classes are punished for crimes as banishment was a punishment for noblemen who have committed crime, clearly showing a disordered world without moral certainty as the legal system is corrupt and thus justice is unattainable. He dismisses the murders he has committed as mere ‘flea-bitings’ and rejects his friends advice to ‘leave your painted comforts’ and promises to be revenged in future ‘I’ll make Italian cut-works in their guts’. This sets up the plays central concerns, corruption of the Law and abuse by the rich and revenge, which are all elements of the Gothic genre. Thus, Webster is presenting a world of disorder and a lack of moral certainty. Act 1, scene two presents the misogynous nature of the male characters. It sets up to love affair between Brachiano and

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