To What Extent Do the Characters Choose Their Identity in Snow Falling on Cedars

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To what extent do the characters choose their identity in Snow Falling on Cedars and to what extent is it forced upon them? In the novel Snow Falling on Cedars, Guterson presents to us a battlefield where people struggle with external circumstances and their moral beliefs. He uses a fan of characters and puts them in position where sometimes they have an opportunity to rebel or sometimes they have to obey uncontrollable forces, such as the war. Moreover he highlights the fact that humans are product of their past and keeps the readers gripped by skillfully slipping in characters’ memories, even if they are not directly affecting the plot, like memories of the war. He ends up with presentation of our identity as a mix of these external factors and the internal struggle we go through against them in order to reach some goals. Throughout the book Guterson presents through his characters how some identities are influenced by uncontrolled circumstances, such as nationality and events, before they are born. Values and norms are also enforced on characters during childhood. The national identity was created in children by Western people being described as “dangerous egomaniacs” and the Japanese as “own kind whose heart is strong and good”. Thanks to the fact that they are next to each other and due to simplicity of the words such as ‘dangerous’ or ‘good’, the author leaves little, if any, doubt about who has heroic qualities. Guterson makes it sound as if Westerners do not have hearts at all, because it is not mentioned in the phrase referring to them. He puts such phrases in the book to influence the reader, encourage empathy and sympathy. Modern audience may receive novel being fairytale like and distant from reality, lack of instant communication creates a sense of isolation on the island in terms of its position and time. However, writing about

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