To What Extent Do Anarchists Agree About the Nature of the Future Stateless Society?

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To what extent do anarchists agree about the nature of the future stateless society? For Anarchists the state is oppressive and represents the few who seek to oppress the many. The state is also charged with taking away our freedom through subjecting us to its laws and controls that are artificial, offending the basic principle of individual sovereignty. Furthermore the state is seen as corrupting to those in power, those who come into government may do so with good motives, but inevitably lose their idealism and become exploiters themselves. It is for these reasons that all traditions within Anarchism wish to advance human kind through the removal of the state in society. The anarchist tradition can broadly be split into collectivists and individualists, within both of these forms of anarchism there are a number of different visions on how a future stateless society would operate. Collectivist anarchists generally envisage a future society that will be based upon co-operation, common property, communal organisation and decentralisation. Whilst Individualist anarchists, on the other hand, generally envisage future societies that will be based upon private ownership, the pursuit of self-interest and usage of some form of market mechanism. Anarcho-communists envisage wholesale collective ownership and fully communal social organisation. They propose to dissolve the state – either by violent or peaceful means – and replacing it with either small-scale communes as favoured by Kropotkin and Malatesta or federations of workers (Bakunin's view). Despite these differences the various anarcho-communist groups agree that these communities would be voluntary. Communities might vary in their organisation and their values, but individuals would not be forced to conform as their decision to join would be entirely voluntary. In order to allow humans to fully develop themselves

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