To What Extent Can Stalin Be Said to Have Established a Totalitarian Communist State in Russia by 1939?

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By the outbreak of world war in 1939 Stalin had fully established a dictatorship in Russia. For this to be a totalitarian regime it needed several things.This included control over over the economy, political and social aspect of life. Stalin, although he does face fair oppositions, seems to have full control over all areas, with little room for diversity. In the case of economy we see a shift from a society largely based on agriculture to a society mainly based on industry. One of the main aims of the communist regime was to industrialise the country, they wanted to change Russia from a ‘backward peasant-based country’ to a modern more industry based society. Stalin is quick to undertake this, and the five year plans are designed to break away from the New Economic Policy(NEP) and bring about rapid industrialisation. The five year plans were a set of plans to last for five years, set by the government. The first five year plan was based on heavy industry in a state-owned and directed economy, which resulted in private businesses and trade being swept away. This in itself suggests totalitarian control, the government established full control of the economy and business, it also fits in with communist plans, to industrialise the country. However, the extent of the effect plans is inconclusive, the communist government insisted the plans were working, however, it seems that this was a cover up for the truth. The five year plans included a goal for 1932 for industry to produce 75 million tons of coal, however, they only actually produced 64.3 million tons. It was also a similar situation for steel, in which the goal for 1932 was 10.4 million tons, however, they only managed to achieve 5.9 million tons. Although they did not reach their goals, Stalin managed to achieve a six-fold increase in coal production, and a four fold increase in steel production. As far as
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