To What Extent Can Revelation Be Said to Be Contained in Propositions?

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To what extent can revelation be said to be contained in propositions? A revelation is God revealing himself to us, which can be done in different ways. Catholics would take a propositional approach to revelations; they are the sum of truths and doctrines contained either in scripture or tradition. This is also known as Fides qua which means revelation through scripture is more revelation through religious experience. However to what extent can revelation be said to be contained in propositions? Although Christians would say revelation can be said to contain propositions to a very large extent Protestants would argue from a different view that to a large extent revelation can be contained in non –propositions. Non – propositional revelations are an experience of God which comes prior to truths. Revelation is recognised as historical rather than a miraculous happening. Non-proposition is also known as Fides quae which is religious facts that we believe and the way we experience and live these religious facts. Although there are Catholics supporting one side and Protestants on the other it could be argued that both type revelations could rely on the other. If it weren’t for scriptures how would we be able to compare and understand our experiences and on the other hand how could someone believe in God without experiencing God for themselves? Barth, a non-propositional theologian, argued that the only way in which people can gain true knowledge of God is through revelation and knowledge of God can only be found in Christianity. Through Barth’s work, Church Dogmatics, he showed his concepts of revelation. He thought God’s acts in revealing himself to us and when he wants to and the revelation is a personal disclosure of God’s being and nature. Also revelation is given only in Jesus Christ, who is God’s full and final word humanity. (needs A02) The relation between
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