Tkam Reflection Essay

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Unnecessary Argument As we grow older and become more mature, we learn lessons that help us to become better people. A particularly important lesson is learning how to put yourself in other people’s positions so that you can understand their feelings and actions. My topic is about an argument I had with my best friend. This argument was something that could have been avoided or even handled in a better manner. My best friend Patrick and I have a lot of laughs and inside jokes and very in-depth conversations, but when it comes to the subjects we disagree on, we have a lot of trouble working out our differences. One day we were driving back from somewhere and a song came on the radio that I didn’t like so I asked my mom if she could change it. As she went to change the station Patrick said “no, I like this song!” so of course she didn’t change it. For some reason this made me mad and I started yelling at Patrick, and he was yelling back, and pretty soon my mom was yelling about us yelling. Patrick told me to “quit being a baby and get over it”, well that shut me up and the rest of the car ride was spent in silence. At this point, I was upset. The situation made me feel like even though we spend so much time together, he didn’t know me at all. Patrick has said things like this before but never with the seriousness that he had now. I know that part of this is my fault, and I’m really disgusted by both of our behavior, why are we acting so immature? We’re best friends, why are we letting this little argument turn into a big deal? Now that I think about it, it’s a song. A song. I could have listened to one song that Patrick liked. I can only imagine how Patrick must have felt when this happened. I can see why he called me a baby, I was acting like one. I mean, come on. Throwing a fit just because he wanted to listen to a song I didn’t like? My actions were a bit

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