Tipping Tips Essay

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Tipping Tips Education has been essential to every human being since the dawn of civilization. Teachers are expected to teach and further educate students. However some teachers teach to give back to the community. If the teacher’s intention is to give back, then they should not expect to be tipped because they are expected to give not receive. Teacher’s job is based on a government contract where as a waiter you don’t have any contract. Teacher’s jobs are considered a profession whereas waiter’s jobs are not. If you think about professional job such as Business owners, Doctors, Authors, Dentists, etc. they all do not get tips but low- profile jobs such as a hotel maid, bartender, hair dresser, taxi driver, and table busser you get tipped. Tipping waiters in America or in any other countries remains more of a custom then a mandate. Tippers usually tip the waiters because the truth is that “the average hourly pay for a waiter was $9.99 and this corresponds roughly to the upper end of the pay range which put waiter hourly rates at between $2.77 and $9.07.”(The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) Although, that does not mean every waiter gets tips. Waiters have to act nicely and always have smile on their faces for their customers even if they are having a bad day but cannot take the day off or else they don’t get paid. Teacher can take the day off because they work by a contract and paid vacation. Waiters have more physical and metal work. Physically they clean the tables or even taking the food from kitchen to the tables. Mental work includes dealing with rude people but still Serving, and responding to them in a professional manner. Teachers can have both too but it is a little easier for them because they can sit and teach or if they aren’t mentally prepared, teachers can show students a video to teach them the lesson of the day. Both of the occupations

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